Chiropractors have a great depth of working knowledge of the human body. However, poor communication has characterurized ourselves to the spine, the adjustment, and the subluxation. In reality, we are a dynamic profession with the capacity to work with a wide array of issues. This page will evolve over time to explain a little more about various things chiropractors may be able to help. Healthcare is a system, health care is an individual. If you have particular questions; send a message or schedule a consult. Fractionated healthcare is frustrating. Let someone be your guide.
Mostly people think of chiropractors as working on the mechanical components of the body, ie. joints, muscles, and bones. However, we are trained to look at the body as a whole. Sometimes the issue isn't mechanical but instead chemical. By utilizing various tests we can uncover underlying issues. Then we can tailor nutritional recommendations and supplementation to help support the body. We have partnered with Thorne to provide world class testing capacities and high-quality supplementation.
Below are some of the more common conditions we work on. However, if you would like a more specific understanding of your ailment, schedule a virtual consult.
Lumbar strains, facet irritation, lumbar disc herniation, disc bulges, internal disc derangement, spondylosis, osteoarthritis, Sacroiliac dysfunction (SI joint dysfunction).
Migraines, tension headaches, cluster headaches, nutritional defciciency, dehydration, vertigo, concussion.
Sciatic nerve entrapment, deep gluteal syndrome, piriformis syndrome, lumbar disc herniation, gluteal contusion, neurogenic claudication.
Plantar fascitis, tarsal tunnel, achillies tendonitis and achillies tendonopathy, hammertoes, bunions, mortons neuroma.
Shoulder impingement, rotator cuff strain, frozen shoulder, AC joint sprain, labral tear.
Disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, text neck, anterior head carriage, neck tension, whiplash
Dequervaines, carpal tunnel, trigger finger, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
Bursitis, labral tear, hip impingement, osteoarthritis, hip hinging, pubalgia, hip pointers, quad strain.
Bursitis, meniscal tear, sprain, Osgood Schlatter's, apophysitis, osteoarthritis, Baker's cyst, patellofemoral syndrome, chondromalacia patella, IT band friction syndrome.
Need a little more time to talk? Insurance reimbursement rates and guidelines dictate visit times. But not every person or condition fits into these times. To be timely for other patients, please consider scheduling a virtual visit at a reduced rate. We can discuss diagnosis, treatment plans, create exercise programs, monitor progress, address nutrition and wellness concerns and so much more while allowing for more hands on time when in office.
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